(The little numbers in the Speedo)
German noun, in this case it describes the number of turns of the speedometer input shaft per given distance. It is used to define the ratio found on both the face and bottom of the speedometer.
Model & Ratio miles km
R51/2, /3 solo 35:9 W=1,52 W=0,95
R51/2, /3 S/C 32:7 W=1,84 W=1,15
R67/2, 3 solo 32:9 W=1,44 W=0,9
R67/2, /3 S/C 35:8 W=1,76 W=1,1
R68 solo 35:9 W=1,52 W=0,95
R68 S/C 32:7 W=1,84 W=1,15
R24 34:8 = 4.25 unknown unknown
R25, R25/2 solo 27:6 W=1,68 W= 1,05
R25, R25/2 S/C 36:7 W=1,92 W=1,2
R 25/3 solo 25:6 W=1,6 W=1,0
R25/3/C W=1,84 W=1,15
R50 solo 25:8 W=1,2 W=0,75
R50 S/C 25/6 W=1,6 W=1,0
R60 solo 32:11 W=1,12 W=0,7
R60 S/C 27:7 W=1,44 W=0,9
R69 solo 25:8 W=1,2 W=0,75
R69 S/C 25:6 W=1,6 W=1,0
R50/2 & R60/2 solo 25:8 W=1,2 W=0,75
R50/2 & R60/2 S/C 26:6 unknown unknown
R50S solo 25:7 W=1.38 W=0,86
R69S solo 25:8 W=1,2 W=0,75
R69S &50S 27:8 W=1,25 W=0,77
R50US, 60US, 69US 25:7 W=1,38 W=0,86
R26 & R27 solo 25:6 W=1,6 W=1,0
R26 & R27 27:6 W=1,74 W=1,08
R26 & R27 S/C 27:8 W=2,0 W=1,25
S/C = Side Car
Rear drive comparisons:
32:11 = 2.91:1
25:8 = 3.125:1
27:8 = 3.375:1
25:7 = 3.57:1
27:7 = 3.86:1
25:6 = 4.17:1
26:6 = 4.33:1
27:6 = 4.50:1
Info From BMW Veteran Motorcycle Club of America
These BMW’s have no tachometer, but have blue shift points on the speedometer.
So you can buy a speedometer W1,2 as is used on several bikes but then you won’t be sure you have the correct shift points.
Also See BMW R60/2